This is an invitation to stop putting off the home projects that have been on your mind and begin the process of learning to CURATE a home that you love.


soulful spaces:

how to affordably curate a more intentional home




A foundation of short + doable know how to help you master the basics of diy Decor


 foolproof 5-step system

the exact system I use with my consulting clients (and in my own projects).  


Once you learn it…everything becomes So much easier.


Real life Workshop

We will tackle one of the 5 major spaces in your home each week.  

Day 1 | 

space specific Mini-workshop

Days 2-4 |   

Implement the System 

Day 5 | 

regroup + debrief at LIVE Q+A Session.


 “I've been meaning to get around to it."


You love to scroll Instagram and dream about the ways you will update your spaces.  But be honest, you've been dreaming for awhile.


Maybe you are on a budget.

Or you love so many styles that you can't choose just one.

You might feel unsure about where to begin so you don't even try.


I've heard it all from clients and I'll tell you this… these things should never get in the way of you finding joy in decorating your home.


With a little bit of know-how 

(and a loving dose of accountability) 

I think we can get you closer to your goals.

This course is only available for a limited time.

early bird pricing


Limited time offer. Doors close 9/29/23 at 12AM MST.


7 weeks of Guided instruction


The Basics 


My 5-Step System for Decorating Any Space


Workshop |  Entry


Workshop | Kitchen


Workshop |  Living Room


Workshop |  Bedroom


Workshop |  Workspace

Just $149 — Early bird special first round only

Weekly Live Q + A

I don't know about you, but sometimes I need someone to check on me to make sure I'm doing the work.

A little accountability never hurt!

We'll be meeting for optional LIVE coaching sessions every Friday of the course to recap our progress from the week, discuss any issues that came up, and share our experiences.

Commit to yourself to show up for the next 7 weeks - and see what you are capable of!

After completing this 

course you will…

Know where to shop + What to buy

You’ll have the insight you need to build your home decor collection mindfully and approach decorating with more confidence.

Approach future projects confidently

After using my 5-step system during workshop weeks, you will know how to apply the framework to any future project.

Have Refreshed 5 spaces in your home

What could be better than having the accountability (and live support) you need to start making your decorating dreams a reality?

Join the first round at A discounted price. Price will increase in 2024.

That feeling of being drawn to something beautiful—
that’s called intuition.

You must learn to follow it.

A Few Words from Coaching Clients…

Somehow Suzy made the whole experience into a fun event rather than a chore.


I told her my goals.

She came up with a plan.

She told me what I needed to do first.


Suzy has helped me to visualize spaces in ways that I never would have on my own- thinking through all of the details, big and small so that I get maximum use out of each space and overall flow of my home.


Course Includes:

Weekly Live Q + A

Join me every Friday for a group coaching session.


Free App Access

Easily access the course on your devices with my web app.

Discounted Coaching

Feeling stuck?  During the course, I will be offering 1-on-1 coaching to help problem-solve your specific space needs.

The LIVE course will not be offered again until Spring of 2024.

On the surface This is a course about how to make a beautiful home.

but really it’s about something else:

